Living Roofs: Magic Benefits And 3 Types
As cities continue to grow and expand, it’s becoming more and more important to find new ways to…
Unbelievable Wireless Charging Technology: The Future is Now
In recent years, wireless charging technology has gained immense popularity as a convenient and efficient way to power…
đź“ŚWorking of A Solar Power Plant And 2 Types
The working of a solar power plant involves the conversion of sunlight into usable electricity. The process begins…
Drip Irrigation: The Most Efficient Way to Water Your Plants
Both gardening and farming are occupations that demand a great deal of care and attention, particularly when it…
2 Types Of Transparent Solar Panels
Consider the possibility that your windows doubled as solar panels. It would imply that buildings, including homes and…
How Bullet Train in India Help to the Growth of the Economy
The Indian economy has been experiencing rapid growth over the past few decades, and transportation infrastructure plays a…
Viva Recharge: The All-In-One Travel Mug
Recharge by VIVA is a versatile solution that brews hot and iced tea. It also makes coffee. It solves the headache of over-steeping, leaking lids, and maintaining…
Chainless Bicycle With Unique Frame And Drive Levers
Imagine riding a bicycle without a chain. No more worrying about greasy chains or frequent maintenance. A chainless…
Convercycle: The convertible electric city and cargo bike
We’ve always wished our bikes could do more; whether it’s helping us with groceries or carrying a child. Convercycle is…
10 Breakthrough Technologies Of 2017
Reversing Paralysis Scientists are making remarkable progress at using brain implants to restore the freedom of movement that spinal…