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Gas Turbine

A turbine which extracts energy from the hot moving gas and converts it into electricity, is called gas turbine.

Types Of Gas Turbine

1. According to the Path of Working Substance

(i) Closed Cycle Gas Turbine: In closed cycle gas turbine the, the air (gas) is continuously circulates within the turbine.

(ii) Open Cycle Gas Turbine: In this types of turbine, the air is not circulates continuously within the turbine. The air after flowing over the blades of the turbine exhausted in the atmosphere.

(iii) Semi-Closed Gas Turbine: As the name indicates, the semi-closed gas turbine is the combination of both the turbines, one working on the open cycle and the other on the closed cycle.

2. According to the Process of Heat Absorption

(i) Constant Pressure Gas Turbine: A turbine in which the air is heated at constant pressure in the combustion chamber is called constant pressure gas turbine.

(ii) Constant Volume Gas Turbine: A turbine in which the air is heated at constant volume in the combustion chamber is called constant volume gas turbine.

Wind Turbine

A turbine which extracts energy from the fast moving wind and converts it into electricity, is called wind turbine

Types Of Wind Turbine

The wind turbines are of two types

(i) Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT): A wind turbine in which the shaft of the turbine is horizontal to the ground is called horizontal axis wind turbine. In other words if the axis of rotation of the turbine blades are horizontal to the ground than it is known as horizontal axis wind turbine.

(ii) Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT): A wind turbine in which the shaft of the turbine is vertical to the ground is called vertical axis wind turbine. In other words, if the axis of rotation of the turbine blades are vertical to the ground than the turbine is known as vertical axis wind turbine.

This is all about the different types of turbine. If you find anything missing or incorrect than don’t forget to comment us. And if you enjoy the article than like and share us.

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