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Air conditioning is a vital component of maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment, especially during the scorching summer months. However, AC units can be quite expensive, and the average life of AC depends on how well they are taken care of. By implementing some simple yet effective strategies, you can extend the average life of AC unit, ensuring it provides optimal cooling for years to come. In this article, we will explore ten ways to achieve just that.

average life of ac

10 Ways To Extend The Average Life Of AC Unit

Before we delve into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand the importance of maintaining your AC unit. Regular upkeep not only helps in extending the average life of AC unit but also ensures efficient performance and energy savings. Neglecting maintenance can lead to decreased cooling capacity, higher energy bills, and even costly repairs. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can save money in the long run and enjoy a well-functioning AC system.

1. Regular maintenance

Yes, regular maintenance is an important aspect of extending the average life of ac unit. During a maintenance check-up, a technician will inspect the unit and perform any necessary repairs. They may also clean the unit, check for leaks, and ensure that all components are working properly. Scheduling regular maintenance check-ups can help catch any issues early on and prevent them from turning into larger, more expensive problems. It can also help keep the unit running efficiently, which can save you money on energy costs. It is generally recommended to have your AC unit serviced at least once a year, or as often as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Clean the AC unit

Cleaning the AC unit is another important aspect of maintaining and extending the average life of ac unit. To clean the unit, follow these steps:

Turn off the power: Before cleaning the unit, make sure to turn off the power to the unit to prevent any accidents.

Remove any debris: Use a garden hose to spray off any debris, such as leaves or grass that has accumulated around the unit.

Clean the fins: Use a soft brush or fin comb to gently clean the fins on the unit. Be careful not to bend the fins.

Clean the inside of the unit: Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dirt or debris from the inside of the unit.

Reassemble the unit: Once you have finished cleaning the unit, reassemble it and turn the power back on.

3. Keep the AC unit clean

By keeping the AC unit clean, you can help it run more efficiently and extend the average life of ac unit.

It is important to replace the air filter in your AC unit on a regular basis to keep it running efficiently and extend the average life of ac unit. A dirty air filter can cause the unit to work harder, which can lead to wear and tear on the unit and increase energy costs.

To replace the air filter:

Locate the air filter: The air filter is typically located in the air handler or furnace, or in the return air duct.

Remove the old air filter: Carefully remove the old air filter from the unit.

Measure the size of the filter: Measure the size of the filter to ensure that you get the correct replacement.

Purchase a new filter: Buy a new air filter that is the same size as the old one.

Install the new filter: Install the new air filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure that it is installed correctly and seated properly.

It is generally recommended to replace the air filter every 1-3 months, or as often as recommended by the manufacturer.

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat can be a cost-effective way to extend the average life of AC unit. A programmable thermostat allows you to regulate the temperature in your home and reduce the amount of time that the AC unit is running. This can help reduce wear and tear on the unit and save energy costs.

4. Upgrade to a programmable thermostat

To upgrade to a programmable thermostat:

Choose a thermostat: Consider your budget and the features that you need when selecting a thermostat.

Install the thermostat: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the thermostat. If you are not comfortable with electrical work, consider hiring a professional to install the thermostat for you.

Set the thermostat: Set the thermostat to your desired temperature and program it according to your schedule. Some thermostats allow you to control the temperature remotely using a smartphone app.

By using a programmable thermostat, you can help extend the average life of AC unit and save energy costs.

5. Using ceiling fan

Using a ceiling fan in conjunction with your AC unit can help extend the average life of AC unit. A ceiling fan helps to circulate cool air throughout the room, which can make the AC unit more effective and allow you to set the thermostat at a higher temperature. This can reduce the workload on the AC unit and help it last longer.

To use a ceiling fan with your AC unit:

Install a ceiling fan: If you don’t already have a ceiling fan, install one according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Set the fan to rotate counterclockwise: Set the ceiling fan to rotate counterclockwise (this can usually be done using a switch on the fan or a remote control). This will create a cool breeze in the room.

Adjust the thermostat: Set the thermostat to a higher temperature than you normally would when using just the AC unit. The ceiling fan will help cool the room, so you can set the thermostat higher without sacrificing comfort.

By using a ceiling fan with your AC unit, you can help reduce the workload on the unit and extend the average life of ac unit.

6. Proper insulation

Proper insulation can help extend the average life of AC unit by keeping your home cool and reducing the workload on the unit. Poor insulation can cause the unit to work harder and wear out more quickly.

To insulate your home:

Check the insulation: Check the insulation in your attic, walls, and crawl spaces to see if it is sufficient.

Add insulation: If the insulation is insufficient, consider adding more. There are several types of insulation available, including fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam. Choose the type of insulation that is best for your home.

Seal any air leaks: Look for air leaks around doors, windows, and other openings, and seal them with weather-stripping or caulk.

By properly insulating your home, you can help reduce the workload on your AC unit and extend the average life of AC unit.

7. Fix an air leak

Leaks in the air ducts of your AC system can cause the unit to work harder and wear out more quickly. If you notice that your AC unit is not cooling your home effectively, or if you see any visible signs of a leak (such as water on the floor or an increase in your energy bills), it is important to have the leak repaired as soon as possible.

To fix an air leak:

Locate the leak: Look for signs of a leak, such as water on the floor or an increase in your energy bills. You may also be able to see the leak by visually inspecting the air ducts.

Repair the leak: If the leak is small, you may be able to repair it yourself using duct tape or sealant. If the leak is large or if you are not comfortable making the repair yourself, consider hiring a professional.

By fixing any leaks in your air ducts, you can help extend the average life of AC unit and improve its efficiency.

8. Give your AC unit a rest

It is important to give your AC unit a rest from time to time to allow it to cool down and prevent it from overheating. Overheating can cause the unit to wear out more quickly and potentially lead to costly repairs.

To give your AC unit a rest:

Turn off the unit: Turn off the AC unit when it is not needed, such as during the cooler hours of the day or when you are away from home.

Use natural ventilation: Consider opening windows and doors to allow natural ventilation to cool your home instead of using the AC unit.

Use other cooling methods: Consider using fans or other cooling methods, such as shading windows or closing blinds, to keep your home comfortable without relying on the AC unit.

By giving your AC unit a rest and using other cooling methods when possible, you can help extend the average life of ac unit and reduce wear and tear on the unit.

9. Make your AC smart

One way to extend the average life of AC unit is to make it smart. A smart AC unit allows you to control and monitor the unit remotely using a smartphone app or other smart home device. This can help you regulate the temperature in your home and reduce the workload on the unit.

To make your AC unit smart:

Choose a smart thermostat: There are several smart thermostats available on the market that are compatible with AC units. Choose a thermostat that meets your budget and needs.

Install the thermostat: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the thermostat. If you are not comfortable with electrical work, consider hiring a professional to install the thermostat for you.

Connect the thermostat to your home’s Wi-Fi: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the thermostat to your home’s Wi-Fi network.

Control the AC unit remotely: Once the thermostat is connected, you can control the AC unit remotely using a smartphone app or other smart home device.

By using a smart thermostat, you can help extend the average life of AC unit and save energy costs.

10. Use your Ac’s auto mode

Using the “auto” mode on your AC unit can help extend its life by allowing the unit to adjust to changing temperature and humidity levels. When the “auto” mode is enabled, the AC unit will automatically turn on and off as needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. This can help reduce the workload on the unit and prevent it from overheating.

To use the “auto” mode on your AC unit:

Locate the “auto” setting: The “auto” setting is usually located on the thermostat or the AC unit itself.

Set the thermostat to “auto”: Set the thermostat to the “auto” setting according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Adjust the temperature setting: Set the desired temperature on the thermostat. The AC unit will automatically turn on and off as needed to maintain this temperature. By using the “auto” mode on your AC unit, you can help extend the average life of ac unit and improve its efficiency.


Maintaining your AC unit is essential for its longevity and optimal performance. By following the ten ways mentioned in this article, you can significantly extend the average life of AC unit. Regular cleaning, proper airflow management, temperature control, and efficient energy usage all contribute to a well-functioning system that keeps you cool and comfortable for years to come. Remember to schedule regular inspections and tune-ups, avoid overworking the unit, and protect it from environmental factors. Finally, stay vigilant for signs that indicate the need for a replacement and consult with professionals when necessary.


How often should I clean the filters?

It’s recommended to clean or replace the filters every one to three months, depending on usage. This ensures proper airflow and prevents clogs that can strain the AC unit.

Can I clean the coils myself?

While it’s possible to clean the coils yourself, it’s recommended to hire professional technicians for this task. They have the expertise and equipment to clean the coils effectively and safely.

What is the ideal temperature setting?

The ideal temperature setting for most people is around 24°C (75°F). This temperature provides comfort while ensuring energy efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of your AC unit.

How often should I schedule professional inspections?

It’s advisable to schedule professional inspections and tune-ups once a year. This allows technicians to identify any potential issues, check refrigerant levels, and ensure the optimal performance of your AC unit.

What are the signs that my AC unit needs to be replaced?

Signs that indicate the need for AC unit replacement include inadequate cooling, frequent breakdowns, increasing energy bills, and age-related wear and tear. Consult with professionals to assess the condition of your unit and determine if a replacement is necessary.

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