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A few months ago, my Friends, Dell laptop battery did not work properly.Whenever he unplug it from main AC supply,the laptop switched off immediately.After few days of frustration, he replaced the battery and gave me dead one for tinkering.i was curious what I would find inside it.Then I go through several blogs and forum to get some ideas.I got a lot of things.

I used this battery to make a decent power bank.It really works fine for me.I thought I’d share the info with all.So that anyone reuses it without throwing it into the dustbin.

In this tutorial, I will show you, how to harvest the 18650 battery from any of the old laptop battery pack you might have. Most of the time, laptop battery packs go bad when just one or few cells in the pack are dead. The protection circuit in the charging board cuts out the entire pack as a necessary protective measure for the user. 

There are still a few good cells though.At last, I will show you how you can make a power bank by reusing these salvaged batteries.

Parts That You Need

1) Old Laptop Battery

If you do not have, you can ask your friend or relatives.

2) Power Bank Case

3) Charging Circuit

Tools That You Need

1) Multimeter – To Check How Many Battery Working

2) Soldering Iron

Now How to Use This Parts And Tools To make Power Bank

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